Kartra Affiliate Secrets Revealed

Kartra’s Affiliate Manager Jennifer Daniel leaks insider secrets about their partner program to make a full-time income as a Kartra Affiliate.
A Special Note About How This Affiliate Marketing Guide Was Created.
Check out this blog post where I do a complete Kartra Review, going into detail about all of the 11 different software tools that are included in Kartra.
Dear Reader,
This guide about the Kartra Affiliate Program was originally created as a live interview with Kartra’s Affiliate Manager Jennifer Daniel.
That’s why it reads as a conversation rather than a traditional “how to guide for affiliate marketing” that talks “at” you.
I wanted you to feel as though Jennifer is talking “with” you, much like a close friend or relative.
I felt that creating the material this way would make it easier for you to grasp the topics and put them to use quickly, rather than wading through hundreds of pages.
Grab a pen or pencil and some paper to take notes and be part of the conversation.
You’ll learn everything you need to become a successful Kartra Affiliate and take your business to the next level so you can make a full-time income from affiliate commissions using “Insider Information” Jennifer Daniel never shared anywhere else.
Let’s get started and learn “How to make money with Kartra’s affiliate program” right now…
Martin Boeddeker
About The Authors Of This Affiliate Marketing Guide For Kartra

Martin Boeddeker
Martin Boeddeker is a SaaS-Founder & Philosopher who helps people to turn from consumer to creator and build profitable businesses online with Kartra’s and GrooveFunnels affiliate programs.
He hosted the Pareto Summit where he convinced more than 40 successful online Marketers and entrepreneurs like John Lee Dumas, Perry Marshall, Mike Koenigs, Jim Edwards, Mike Filsaime and many more reveal the missing 20% they don’t disclose in their webinars and sales presentations.
Martin holds a masters degree in Engineering and Management from the University of Paderborn in Germany where he grew up and is the creator of FindFocus, a desktop application to block distracting websites and Mac & Windows.
He is the author of the book “Find Focus: How to Avoid Self-Imposed Stress in a World Driven to Distraction” and helps online marketers to increase their productivity and GET THINGS DONE at https://findfocus.net
Jennifer Daniel
Jennifer Daniel is the JV manager for Genesis Digital, the company behind the proprietary products of Kartra, WebinarJam, and EverWebinar.
Besides her job at Genesis Digital, Jennifer Daniel is an affiliate/project manager who supports coaches in different niches to create JV partnerships and launch their own affiliate programs.

Because Jennifer Daniel is Kartra’s main affiliate manager and every single affiliate payment from Kartra is released by her and she personally consults with every top affiliate marketer from Kartra, WebinarJam and Everwebinar, she knows exactly what it takes to make a full-time income with this amazing all-in one marketing platform.
Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who has “been there and done that!” and learn from people who are making money by promoting the Kartra Partner Program.
And as you can see, Jennifer Daniel is uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about making money with Kartra’s affiliate program!
Step By Step Tutorial To Become A Kartra Affiliate
Introduction Kartra Affiliate Insider Secrets
Martin Boeddeker: Hi Jennifer. Welcome to this interview that we’ll turn into a blog post about the Kartra Affiliate Program.
You are currently in charge of the affiliate program for Genesis Digital, which is the company behind EverWebinar WebinarJam and Kartra.
You have a complete overlook of all the successful affiliate marketing strategies, know all you’re your most successful affiliates personally and all of the affiliate payments are verified by you. So yeah, welcome to this interview.
Jennifer Daniel is currently in charge of the affiliate program for Genesis Digital, which is the company behind EverWebinar WebinarJam and Kartra.
Jennifer Daniel: Thank you, Martin. I appreciate it.
Martin Boeddeker: Okay, can you tell us a little bit about your background and shortly introduce yourself. How did you end up at Genesis Digitals and became responsible for the affiliate part of this company?
Jennifer Daniel: Oh, I started my journey in 2016. I was hired in 2017 by Genesis Digital to do affiliate marketing and customer service at the time. With affiliate marketing. It was on the job training. I self-taught myself pretty much on all of the marketing skills and the copywriting and stuff like that.
I have created the templates and graphics and swipes and emails for all of the affiliates. Besides that, I helped many affiliates to succeed by planning out strategies for their promotions and thought them how to promote Kartra and the process to turn their side hustle into a full-time business.
Martin Boeddeker: Okay, so in your own words what is Kartra?
Jennifer Daniel: Kartra is a eCommerce all in one platform. You can create your landing pages, your websites, you have your own opt-in forms, set up the membership sites. Besides that, it allows you to send emails with deliverability that’s about 98%, which is pretty awesome. You can host all your products on them sell them with the Kartra shopping cart.
I love that part with the portals and you can also host all your videos on Kartra. What really gets me is that we have a calendar that you can actually integrate into your website instead of using another 3rd party tool like Calendarly.
Last but not least we also have a help desk that you can rely on for all your customer support needs.
With Kartra you can build any type of funnel and campaigns and then you can also integrate with any other tool out there through Zapier. Of course, we also have our own affiliate program that you can actually host all your affiliate management through.Why Many Affiliate Marketers Choose to Promote Kartra Instead of Competitor Products
Martin Boeddeker: Yeah, that’s amazing. And so that leads me right to my next question. What are in your opinion, the top three reasons why an affiliate marketer chooses to promote and use Kartra instead of the competitor products like ClickFunnels or other funnel building software that’s out there?

Jennifer Daniel: Well, we offer 40% commission for life. At Kartra we care a lot about the integrity with our clients and our affiliates themselves unlike other affiliate programs that have you know, create a lot of hype around it and stuff like that. Kartra offers everything to start and build your business it also has the best of email deliverability rate.
Martin Boeddeker: Okay, so how can you tell us a little bit about the background, like how many affiliates are there currently for Kartra? How do you see Kartra? How is Kartra currently positioned in the marketplace?
Jennifer Daniel: I can tell you exactly how many affiliates there are. Actively we have almost 4000 affiliates in Kartra. We have grown a lot since 2018 or 2017 when we launched it. That might not sound like a lot but it is a lot to us. We’re growing fast and rapidly. Every day we have over 200- 300 applications.
Martin Boeddeker: Wow, that’s a lot. What do you estimate like how many of your affiliates are making a full-time income with your affiliate marketing program compared to the ones who just signed up without making any sales?

Jennifer Daniel: I’m going to say out of the ones that we do have, there are roughly around 300 to 400 people who actually make a living off of just Kartra alone and promoting it. Another great advantage if you compare Kartra vs a tool like Kajabi, is that you don’t need to a customer of Kartra to promote it and earn affiliate commissions.
What differentiates the people who make a full-time income with Kartra vs. the ones who don’t?
Martin Boeddeker: Wow, that’s 10% of all affiliates. Which is quite a lot. What do you think, differentiates the people who make a full-time income with Kartra vs. the ones who don’t?
Jennifer Daniel: The ones that make a full time is the ones that actually add the best value. They dive deep into Kartra. They either go in on YouTube or you know even through Facebook and show the backend of Kartra. They teach them how to use Kartra.
Often, they have their own little program that adds value whether it is how to build an online business and sell courses or they teach them how to be an affiliate. These are the people who are standing out the most because these are the people who are actually adding that extra value.
How make a full-time income with the Kartra Affiliate Program?

Martin Boeddeker: Is there anyone who’s doing really fantastic with the Kartra program who is like a publicly known figure and that you would recommend to check out and what can we learn from them?
Jennifer Daniel: You are doing a fantastic job here Martin, but there are several others that affiliate marketers can learn from. I would recommend can join our Facebook Group called “Genesis Digital Partner-Kartra WebinarJam & EverWebinar” where I publish the names of our Top10 affiliates every month.
Most of them publish videos and all of these people teach you how to be an online marketer. Not only for Kartra but others systems as well. You can look up their names and search for them on Facebook, Google and Youtube.
Paid Traffic vs Free Traffic – What is best?
Martin Boeddeker: What’s the biggest expense affiliate marketers should expect? When they want to promote Kartra?
Jennifer Daniel: If you run ads, the biggest expense is going to be placing your ads, what at some point most successful marketers do. Many people get started with free traffic, but the most is going to be your ad spend.
Martin Boeddeker:
What do you think? How many of your affiliates are using paid traffic strategies and what do you see is most common for people, especially if they’re getting started?
Jennifer Daniel: The most common strategy for people who are getting started is to use free traffic. You can start affiliate marketing with zero money and you can just go from there and work your way up to paid traffic. But the most successful ones that come through are going to be the ones with the paid ads.
Martin Boeddeker: So what would you recommend for somebody who’s just getting started with Kartra’s Affiliate Program?
Jennifer Daniel: You need to build connections and build an audience of people you trust you, like you did with the Pareto Summit. You can start in many different ways. Write blog posts, start a podcast, do interviews, and get in front of your target customer and just put yourself out there. Ads can really suck you dry if you are not careful or have no experience. There is so many ways to promote yourself for free.
I know most people say blogs are dead, but they are not dead. Podcast, vlogging, social media most or some are all free.
While ads are the cream of the crop for most it can be the worst for some.
You can start affiliate marketing with zero money and you can just go from there.
Martin Boeddeker: Yes, that’s true. There are always pros and cons. To get traffic you need to work for it or pay for it.
Jennifer Daniel: Exactly.
The Mistake That Costs Kartra Affiliate Marketers A Lot of Time and Wasted Effort
Martin Boeddeker: What is a mistake that costs affiliate marketers a lot of time and wasted effort?
Jennifer Daniel: First and foremost, don’t grab your link and start promoting. While this may be okay for some because they have been in the marketing world for a very long time, don’t do this if you are just getting into affiliate marketing. Know your product and your audience before you promote anything.
Many new affiliates run into a dead end or wind up not knowing what they do and wonder why they don’t get results. Unfortunately, this leads to failure and giving up for most.
We all want money and to get rich quickly. Affiliate marketing can make you a lot of money if you do it the correct way. You really need to learn how the ropes work and how the product works to create the value and the trust before you start any promotion.
Imagine if you were on Facebook and accepted a friend’s request. Then that friend immediately pinged you with an offer. You don’t really know this person. How is that going to make you feel?
If that happens to me, I will immediately unfriend them and block them. This may not be the same for you.
Imagine this: You go for Coffee; you then ask for a date then immediately you ask the girl to marry you.
Often people go in and you start one campaign think that one is going to work. And it doesn’t. Then they don’t try to revise it or anything like that. Then they are going to be losing more money because they are not testing multiple campaigns to see which ones works the best.
Many struggling affiliate marketers want to bury their head in the sand is because they failed at their first attempts of marketing. They do not want to admit their mistakes and learn from them.
Anyone who is successful with Kartra’s Affiliate Program didn’t stop after the first no’s and why should they?
You pick up and you go. You test, improve and then retest. This is what it is all about. Making a simple formula work. Once you get the right one for your niche you duplicate it and then market it. You do not bury your head and give up. No-one made it on their first try.
Just because you can throw ads up and your copy is great, doesn’t mean you will not miss a mark.
Getting people to really believe and trust in the value of the product really starts with you the seller. If they do not believe that you really believe in the product they will walk away and not think twice.
It is extremely important to know your audience and build that value and trust.
If you sit and watch TV for an hour, take that time out of your day. That is an hour you should be spending building that line of value and trust with someone.
All starts in your mind set. If you are not dead set on what you want in life, then you’re not going to get anywhere. You will be 60 years old still trying to figure out how to live the good life and you only maybe have 10 or 20 years left if you’re lucky.
You practice you learn, and you get better over time. Most marketers blow off the small things and they do not think of it as important, but they are.
If you are not learning or educating yourself and learn from your mistakes, you are not going to go anywhere. Just saying…
Finding the time to work, set the tone for your day and get things done.
For many struggling affiliates this might be the hardest thing they have to do.
It is a challenge, but when you fit it in your daily then it will be a great thing.
So, what are you waiting for?
Stop procrastinating pick up a book if you must get in the right frame of mind and knock it out of the park.
Martin Boeddeker: Great tip. It’s not only for Kartra but valid for almost anything that’s worthwhile.
Insider Tips You Need to Follow To Promote Kartra And Other Products From Genesis Digital
Martin Boeddeker: Okay, coming specifically about the Kartra affiliate marketing program, what is the number rule number one rule that Kartra affiliates need to follow?
Jennifer Daniel: The number one rule is no Key Term bidding. Bidding on Key terms can be costly for everyone involved. It is also a respect thing for the company. If you break this rule you will get a stern talking too. Then your sales will be looked at. You will be asked to remove all ads and stop immediately.
If we find out about this you have about 24 to 48 hours after the email, verbal conversation to stop and remove all your campaigns.
Martin Boeddeker:
Any tools or insight to help people get results faster, easier, more efficiently with Kartra’s Partner Program?
Jennifer Daniel: We have the Kartra Partners page https://home.kartra.com/partners
I am also in the works of creating a portal for the affiliates so more to come. However, the best way to get the best results or the faster results would be providing an opt-in page before the Kartra sales page with something free to give for enticement. This way you can follow up with them and create the trust and value that a client is looking for.
If you are simply looking for ads and not really engaging well then, it’s all about traffic and knowing how to market with driving traffic.
Are there other important rules we need to know about becoming an affiliate for Kartra?
Jennifer Daniel: Kartra screens all affiliates who apply. Kartra has specifics we look for in affiliates. This can be a range of things like list size, social media followers, website and other potential questions. We want to know who you are and what your business is about so we can better serve you. It is my job to help you understand and know how to promote our products. This should be the same for any affiliate marketing system put in place.
You need to fill out the questionnaire. If you do not fill it out or if you put in something like “abc123” in there it will simply get denied because you are not taking us seriously enough to take the time and fill it out. That’s means you will not take the time and promote us.
Let’s look at something quick Martin. If you looked at your sales on a weekly/monthly basis, you will notice 80% of your sales will come from about 20% of your affiliates. This rule is simple and a classic from the 80/20 rule you talked so much about during the Pareto Summit. Sometimes it might even be a close 90/10 rule instead it depends on who you have as an affiliate.

Imagine you want to recruit someone for your affiliate program. If you do not follow the process of screening your affiliates you could potentially harm your business. If an affiliate is not honest it could mean one or two things if they get past the questionnaire and approved and doing something out of the norm chances are they will be denied out of the gate.
If an affiliate applies for Kartra and gets denied for any reason they can contact me personally and we can work, it out.
Most of the time it’s simply because some people do not think we read the applications.
I would love to hop on a call, and we can work things out or through simple email is fine. You can reach me in many ways Email is jv@genesisdigital.co , I have Skype as well and we will zoom call if need be. 😊
It may seem easier just to let everyone in and auto-approve but for our affiliate programs, we screen everyone and want you to be honest on your questionnaire because we read them all.
If you want to set up an affiliate program yourself Kartra lets you set up questionnaires to screen all your affiliates. As time-consuming as this may sound it is a golden option for you. This way you can get in front of the super affiliates and really cater to those needs if your email scripts and banners are not what they are looking for they may not promote you in the end.
Here are some example questions you can use:
Try setting up a questionnaire with questions such as…
- How many email subscribers do you have?
- How much per month do you spend on advertising affiliate products?
- How much per month do you spend on advertising your own products?
- From which sources do you buy traffic?
- How much did you earn as an affiliate last year?
- Provide a link showing an example of one of your landing or squeeze pages?
- What was the last affiliate or ecommerce event you attended in person?
What Many People Don’t Know About Kartra’s Affiliate Program
Martin Boeddeker: Is there anything many people don’t know about Kartra’s affiliate program that could be tremendously useful for anyone considering to promote Karta:
Jennifer Daniel: Kartra does not require you to purchase Kartra to be an affiliate. Of course, we prefer if you at least tried the software. We want affiliates that will study our product. So, take the time to know you, what you are promoting. Ideally offer some free bonuses. When you apply for our affiliate program we take into consideration if you have purchased previously and or a Kartra member.
Think of it this way. You live by standards, right? Why would you not have high standards for your business? If you have an affiliate that is sending you bad traffic or low-grade traffic you will have very low earnings-per-click (EPC) right down.
This will simply be a decision of what you care about in your business for affiliate marketing. Kartra affiliate marketing leaves this up to you in making the decision but it is not a best practice for your business and affiliate marketing.
As I said before Kartra is not about the hype. We looking to build trust and loyalty with our customers and affiliates. Our customers know our product; they know the system and how it works. So yes, we can look at them to honestly promote us.
As AJ Roberts said in your interview with him during the Pareto Summit.
You want to target the right audience to not only buy your products but become raving fans.
If your audience trusts you and can connect with you then you will be successful at connecting the dots between the sale and the seller.
All affiliates love to be recognized for what they have done for your company. Right now, I’m publishing our Top 10 affiliates in our Facebook Group every month and we are working on other achievement awards for our affiliates.
We try to separate affiliates by low, medium and high, so we can praise the higher ones a lot better than the ones who don’t actively promote us.
Our top affiliates believe more in Kartra and put a great deal and effort in promoting us, so we want to create some kind of friendly competition and motivate them. Giving out small prizes or recognition is a must and should happen to keep affiliates upbeat and happy with Kartra and our other products like WebinarJam and Everwebinar.
Know what you’re selling because Kartra is a huge, huge machine. It can do so much and it has so much potential. If you’re just marketing and you don’t know the answers to somebody’s question, they’re going to look at you and the trust is going to go out the window.

Martin Boeddeker: Are there any examples that come to mind where somebody breaks this rule and is still successful?
Jennifer Daniel: Um, yeah, of course. I mean, some people actually do market without using it. Usually SEO marketers. They actually break the rule and don’t even know who they sell to. Some of them have become really successful at it. But SEO takes time and I don’t recommend as much. Usually you want to go for bigger clients and you want to know the people that you you’re dealing with. Otherwise you’ll see more chargebacks and refunds.
How To Promote Kartra If You Never Promoted A Product Before
Martin Boeddeker: If somebody is currently getting started, what would you recommend for them if they are completely new if they just read this blog post? And they’re they want to promote like make passive income online? What would you recommend to them?
Jennifer Daniel: The best way to get started is to use the product. Go through all of the resources that we have and see how you can actually promote it. Learn how to build funnels inside of Kartra. And then you would actually go ahead and promote it to the people who would benefit from it. Some say email marketing for affiliates is dead.
Well, this is true for most if you are just spamming the heck out of people. I would not want to read what you send.
Focus on quality, not quantity.
Jennifer Daniel
I also, think social media might be a high priority to get your name and brand out there but if it is overused like Facebook it will become the thing of the past. Video Marketing and other social media platforms are stepping up with engagement.
Especially with beginners, I see many of them wasting a lot of time on making excuses. They spin their wheels and get nowhere. They waste time on not setting things up correctly the first time and rush and push to get it out there. When it launches and sales don’t come in because the setup is all wrong then they give up because it did not make them rich.
Success with Kartra’s affiliate program is not an overnight thing that just happens.
Jennifer Daniel
It happens in time. It takes testing, takes money, takes structure and it takes challenging yourself.
Martin Boeddeker: What kind of resources do you provide?
Jennifer Daniel: Right now, we have ad banners and swipes and what most people don’t know, I actually get on one to one calls and show you the software and we’ll go over everything one on one. We’re working on to come out with a portal and training videos for anybody who’s getting started or needs help that way.
I see many beginners wasting a lot of time on making excuses.
Martin Boeddeker: That’s, that’s amazing. So I would highly recommend for anybody who’s just getting started hop on a call with Jennifer and you will even get like a one on one like personal walkthrough and can ask any questions that we do not ask in this book. Thank you for for pointing that out. Is there any secret that you could share about the Kartra affiliate program that put yes Kartra, affiliate marketers leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.
The Biggest Kept Secret of Kartra’s Top Affiliate Marketers
Jennifer Daniel: The biggest kept secret that a lot of the affiliate marketers are doing right now that are the top affiliate marketers inside of Kartra. And I’m talking about the top 10. affiliate marketers with an exclusion of a couple of them. They actually go through and have created a huge system with inside of Kartra that teaches affiliate marketing or network marketing.
For example, there is a women’s group that teaches how to market other products but they require you to actually purchase Kartra through them before they actually let you inside of their platform. So that’s the biggest secret that’s out there right now.
What’s your number one tip for being more efficient with Kartra and promoting Kartra?
Jennifer Daniel: The number one tip, I would say get better at copywriting. If you get good at copywriting that is going to put you over the top. If your copy is not compelling nobody is gonna pay attention to it.
If you cannot write copy you will not know or be able to market anything. If you want to make a full-time income with Kartra you need to master this skill.
If You Want to Promote Kartra Get Better at Copywriting
Of course, you also need to know how to build landing pages, funnels and to create value but bad copy will prevent you from getting good results.
If you have an ugly landing page and or funnel, that’s something that will not prevent someone from spending money if you use the right words.
Imagine yourself walking into a store if the storefront is not set up correctly you may not even notice it but if the salesman in the store frowns upon you, does not smile or greet you.
How is that going to make you feel? Will you buy the product his is trying to sell you?
For me it would be a done deal and I would walk out right then. Not going to happen.
It is the same way in with copy.
You need to explain the value of your offer in a way your customer can understand and relate to.
Martin Boeddeker: Okay.
Are there any resources or books you would recommend to get better with copywriting?
Jennifer Daniel: I really liked what you did during the Pareto Summit, where you interviewed people like AJ Roberts, Jim Edwards, Mike Filsaime and others and the recourses document you created. The people you interviewed are some of the best copy writers in the world and the books they recommended were amazing. Thanks for putting that together and making the document available for free.
Martin Boeddeker: Thank you for the kind words. I put a lot of effort into that. Is there anything you would like to add that we need to keep in mind for affiliate marketers who want to be successful with Kartra?
Jennifer Daniel: The last tip that I would have would be to make a list of 100 people. Not your friends, your family because we all know what happens with that. Leave your family and friends out of that do not or will not support your ideas. I mean your mom, your dad, aunts uncles and even your best friend. You are probably rolling your eyes.
Saying in your head that yeah right, they love and support me through anything. Yes, they may love you and say they will support you, but 9 times out of 10 they will not buy from you.
Simple reasons you are not their solution to their problems. They may come to you for answers but they are going to want the family and friend discount and let’s face it they expect it. We all know that it will end in arguments and well not speaking afterward.
So, do yourself a favor and do not do this. Cut those losses and make you a super nice list that will work. Put together a list of 100 people that you want to reach out to, or that you think they know that they would be suitable for Kartra itself and then go to those and offer to help them with their marketing.
Martin Boeddeker: I think for people who are just getting started and do not have a lot of money, the easiest way is just to really go out and make a list of 100 people said and approach them and show what Kartra can do for them one on one. Start out this way and put a lot of effort into this and afterward, you can build like a more passive style campaign.
The Most Lucrative Niches to Promote Kartra As An Affiliate
Jennifer Daniel: There is one more thing I like to add. All of our most successful marketers really know their target market. That’s going to be the biggest thing for most people because if you don’t know your market you will not to be able to market Kartra. For many people this is going to be the hardest thing. It really is.
Martin Boeddeker: Great point. So, what kind of people should be on this list? How would you approach them?
Jennifer Daniel: Go for business owners. Besides that, it depends on the niche that you’re actually in. You really got to nail in on your target market before you start promoting.
Martin Boeddeker: For which niches and businesses is Kartra a great solution?
Jennifer Daniel: Kartra is a great solution for almost everybody. It’s not the best shopping cart when you want to sell shirts or hats or anything like that right now. That’s in the works and we’re going to have that you know, later on.
Right now Kartra is ideal for digital products.
Martin Boeddeker: What’s the most popular niches that use Kartra?
Jennifer Daniel: It’s most popular among regular digital marketers. That means anybody who’s selling online courses but there are a lot of health and fitness and life coaches in Kartra. Right now there’s a lot of real estate agents who are using Kartra which is pretty cool.

Martin Boeddeker: From your perspective, do you see one niche that has a huge potential but is currently not developed?
Jennifer Daniel: Um, I’m sure there’s a lot of them in there, but I don’t know any at the top of my head.
Martin Boeddeker: Okay, so to summarize this, develop your customer avatar and look for local businesses and other people who could use this software because they are already a life coach or they are a real estate agent or something like that. Everyone wants to sell online products.
Then have a look at their website which they’re currently having and then see if there’s huge potential for them to drop great and make their business more efficient. And then you just approach them, present them your solution. Ideally, you’re have already created a solution for them that they can copy and paste their branding on top. And that’s how you make your commission and build your passive income.
Jennifer Daniel: That is correct.
Martin Boeddeker: Thank you for the interview. How can people find out more about you and what you do?
Jennifer Daniel: Everyone can find me through Facebook, emailing me at JV@GenesisDigital.co or my personal email address is Dreamitdoittogether@gmail.com
I am also on Skype and you can add me moonlight77720.